Monday, September 20, 2021

The Tug New York Pushes a Barge

 On Friday night, I saw that a ship I wanted to catch was still docked in Detroit.  I was kind of waffling about catching her and then I saw that another ship would be passing.  So I decided to head down to Del Ray to catch them.

As I arrived at Del Ray, I saw that there was a barge being pushed down the river.  I was going to use my drone for the docked ship, so I decided to get my drone up to catch the tug and barge.
This was the tug New York and I don't think the barge had a name.  I know it was a double hulled barge, so I think it was carrying ashphalt.  It was being flanked by the Great Lakes Towing tug Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin is a fairly new tug and I'm not sure which of the Great Lakes tugs in Detroit she replaced.  I want to say that was Superior.
She looks like one of the ocean tugs.
Another angle of her.
I'm not sure who owns the New York but I've seen her a few times on AIS.

This may be the first time I caught her on this blog.

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