Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Concrete Camelback Bridge

So anyway, my cousin was having a wedding in a barn and my mom couldn't get to it.  There was a large ramp in front of the barn and a pretty crappy parking lot.  So we ended up not going to the wedding.  I decided to take US-12 over to St. Joseph.  I was hoping to get a picture of the lighthouse there.

As we were heading west on US-12, we passed this bridge.  I remember it from the many times that I've taken US-12.  I remembered that it was a historically significant bridge.
The proper name is a curved core through girder bridge.  This is the longest example of that type of bridge.  This one has what amounts to three spans.  I've seen these with one span.  These bridges used to be a fairly common sight in Michigan but many have been replaced and this remains one of the last ones.  It is a good thing they decided to preserve this one when they built the new bridge.
It goes over the St. Joseph River.  I didn't realize how much this curves until it exits at St. Joseph.
I did make it to St. Joseph but when I got there, I did the B4UFLY app and it was under an authorization zone.  It was also a little on the windy side, so I decided to not get pictures of the lighthouse.  Maybe some other day.

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