Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Herbert C. Jackson Enters Grand Haven

 On Sunday morning, I saw that the Herbert C. Jackson was going to making her way into Grand Haven.  I figured that it was a nice enough day that I would head over to catch her.  After saying good bye to my relatives, I went over.  I took kind of a convoluted but different way.  I almost was going to call it off because of the wind but I'm glad that I didn't.

When I finally got over to Grand Haven, I looked at the water and I wasn't sure that she was going to be coming in.  I think the wind was blowing in, so that it why she was coming.  If the wind were blowing across the channel, she might have anchored and waited.
I saw that she was coming in and when I checked Marine Traffic, she was coming in at her normal speed.  At that point, I was pretty confident she was coming it.
As you can see, Lake Michigan was pretty angry.
I wasn't particularly happy with the angle of the sun but it wasn't directly in front of me.
I don't think I've ever seen the water brown over here.  The wind must have been kicking up some sediment.
The headshot.
She enters the channel.
I kind of like the shot with the lighthouse and range light in it.
Another one as she gets closer.
I wish I would have seen a train in this one, it could have been my trifecta.
The wind was probably about at my limit but I'm glad I took my drone up.  I couldn't take it too high though.
But I kind of like these lower angles.
She passes by, but slowly.
I kind of like this one.  You can see the wave action.
You can see all the folks lining the pier to catch her.
She makes the turn for the rest of the channel.
Then I went over to the boat launch to get some pictures as she was heading into the dock.  The sun was definitely not my friend over here.
I took my drone up again.  The sun made it even more difficult.
Fortunately, I could get the right angle though.
I love this ship.
One more before heading home.

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