Friday, October 22, 2021

Saying Hello to An Old Friend

So I decided to head to the airport last night.  It has been a while and I saw that I had a chance to catch both 787s last night.
I arrived in time to catch the Royal Jordanian 787 but it was landing on the other runway.
The flight originates in Amman, Jordan but takes a stop in Montreal.  I'm not sure why because I've see it fly all the way from Amman.
At any rate, this is one of my favorite liveries.
It was followed by the Air France 787.  Which did land on the right runway.
This plane came from Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris.
This flight was stopped for a while.  Now it is back to five days a week, I think.
I went to the other side of the airport to catch the next plane.  It looked like it was going to land on that runway.
I should have known better because UPS usually lands on the east runway.  This 757 was coming in from Louisville.
Next up was a 737.
This was an American Airlines 737.
It was coming in from Dallas-Fort Worth.
Next up was another flight I was hoping to catch.
It is Flight 505 from Memphis.
It used to be an MD-11 or DC-10.  Now it is a 767, mostly.
It is still pretty cool to see.
Even though I was losing my light, I had to stay for one more plane.
It was a 757-300.
And it was coming in from Las Vegas.
And probably my favorite angle.

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