Saturday, December 11, 2021

And the Flevoborg

 So I headed out today.  I saw that there were a couple of ships that I could get a picture of.  It turns out that I got too late of a start for one of them.  The other ended up anchoring due to high winds.  But I still had time to catch one more.

That one more happened to be a salty.  I didn't mind so much because I like to catch salties.
The ship in question was the Flevoborg and she is one that hasn't appeared on this blog before.
The Flevoborg was launched in 2009 from the Ferus Smit Leer GmbH which is a shipyard in Leer, Germany.  It is near the mouth of the Rhine River and just off the North Sea.
It is also fairly close to her homeport of Delfzul in the Netherlands.
She is a little over 450 feet long and 60 feet wide.  That means she can fit through the Welland (obviously).
She is heading to Chicago but I'm not sure where she is heading from.  I think she is going to pick up cargo in Chicago.
She better hurry up because she's only got about three weeks in the Great Lakes before they close the Welland.
The beam shot.
And she continues on to Lake Huron.
I would have liked to use my drone but it was pretty windy today.  Maybe a little too windy for my drone.  Maybe tomorrow if there are some ships stirring.
After this, I was going to head up to Fish Point to see if I could get some owl pictures.  I saw a couple but I couldn't get my camera in time to get pictures.  Oh well, maybe next time.

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