Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Lee A. Tregurtha on a Cold Day

 So after catching the McCarthy, I decided to catch the next ship.

The Lee A. Tregurtha is a ship that I like to catch when I can.
She is certainly one of the more unique looking ships on the Great Lakes.
She was converted from a World War II tanker and you can see the ribbons her crew won in World War II.
That gives her a nice salt water bow.
I caught her at Marine City first.
One more shot of her.
I decided to catch her at Algonac.  I wanted to get some drone pictures too.
But I wasn't sure if the weather was going to cooperate for me.
It started to sleet on me and get colder.
But that makes for nice steam plume pictures.
I think she was heading down to Dearborn from Marquette.
One more picture with my regular camera.
As I took off, the weather started to get a little rougher but at least it wasn't windy.
The water looked pretty cool.
And I think I like the lower angle shots.
Not sure about this angle but I like the ship, so as many pictures as possible.
She passes by and I recovered my drone.

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