Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Very Quick Stop at the Airport

 After I got my pictures of the AlgoCanada, I looked at FlightRadar to see if there were any planes coming in that might be of interest.  I saw that there were two of them and they were both close together.

First up was a 757-200.  This one was coming in from Atlanta.  The light was just about perfect.
As you know, I love the 757, so I was happy to catch this plane.
The clouds were just about right too.
I kind of like this angle.
But I think I like this angle a little more.
The clouds in the background really help.
The other plane that I wanted to catch was an A330.
This particular one belonged to Lufthansa 
It was coming in from Frankfurt.
I think Lufthansa is back up to their normal complement of flights here.  At one time, there was talk they were going to add a flight from Munich but I think the pandemic killed that.  Maybe it will happen again.

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