Saturday, March 19, 2022

The 95th Street Bridge

 I saw that I possibly had a chance to catch the Alpena as she was leaving Chicago, so I decided to head over there.  I didn't care if I could get a good view but there was one place where I had to go catch her and that was the 95th Street Bridge.

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that I am a huge fan of the Blues Brothers.  It is easily one of my top ten movies.  It is one of the movies I can watch repeatedly and not get tired of it.
This bridge is famous because of that movie.  This is the bridge that Elwood jumps over as he trying to beat the W.W. Holloway.  This was just after his brother was complaining because he picked him from prison in a police car.  Sadly, my car doesn't a cigarette lighter.
I didn't catch the Alpena because she stayed longer than I expected.  She ended up leaving sometime after dark.  She is heading to Muskegon tomorrow, I might consider catching her there.

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