Saturday, March 19, 2022

A Pair of Engines in Hammond, Indiana

 Since I didn't get any pictures of much else and I didn't want to leave my trip empty handed, I decided to stop and take a picture of a pair of engines that were stopped along the side of US-12.  They were in Hammond, Indiana.  Apparently, Hammond, Indiana is the home of one of the earliest pro football teams, the Hammond Pros.  They were formed in 1920 as part of the American Football League.  When the league changed its name in 1922, they were still around.  In 1926, the league folded many of the smaller franchises and so the Hammond Pros were no more.

I thought Hammond was also the place where Trash Can Man from "The Stand" burned down some of the gasoline towers but that wasn't the case.  Anyway, it is the last town in Indiana on US-12 before you get into Illinois.

This BNSF engine was probably the reason why I stopped.  I don't normally see these in my neck of the woods, so it was kind of neat to see.
Since this Norfolk Southern engine was attached, I needed a picture of it too.

Anyway, I did have a nice drive on US-12, if I would have known I had more time, I would have caught some of the barns on the way, they looked pretty nice in the fog.

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