Sunday, March 20, 2022

Waking Up to the Silversides and Friends

 So after my disappointment of not catching the Alpena yesterday, I saw that she was heading to Muskegon after leaving Chicago.  When I got home from Chicago, I took a look at what time she ws going to arrive in Muskegon and I decided to set my alarm for then.

When my alarm went off, I didn't get much sleep but I decided that I didn't want to catch the Alpena and that the light would be just about perfect to catch her coming in Muskegon.  So I woke up and took the three hour drive over to Muskegon.

I had a little time before the Alpena was close enough to take pictures of, so I decided to get a picture of the Silversides.  I need to come back over this way to tour her again.  I used to play Silent Service when I was growing up and I read most of the Edward Beach books.  I love these submarines.
The USCG cutter McLane is also there.  It was built during Prohibition and served as a sub chaser during World War II.  She actually sank a Japanese submarine in the Bering Strait.  She also rescued the crew of a downed aircraft.
The Laurentian is a research vessel run by the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration.  She is used to research the Great Lakes and is station in Muskegon.
Another angle of the Silversides.
After getting pictures of the Alpena, I decided to get a couple of pictures of the Silversides with my drone.  I like this picture.
I'd like this one more if the light were on the other side.  Oh well, it's not bad I guess.

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