Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Next Up, the Frontenac

 I headed up to Port Huron next.  There was another ship I wanted to catch.

The Frontenac is my favorite Canadian laker.
She is one of the last that actually looks like a classic laker.
Even if she had the odd boom.
I mean there's the Leitch.  She has the configuration, but she doesn't look like a classic laker.
There's the tadoussac.  She looks pretty close, but not quite.
The Frontenac has that look.
I hope she sticks around for a little while longer.
I think she was heading down to Windsor.  
After Windsor, she went up to Superior.
I think she was coming from Thunder Bay in these shots.
If that's the case, she probably had grain.
She makes the turn for the channel.
The second bow shot.
And she continues downbound.
One more shot with my normal camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
I like the shots here where I get the bridge in the back.
The Huron lightship in front of me.
She continues down the river.
It would be about 6 hours to her destination from this shot.

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