Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Honorable James L. Oberstar Makes an Appearance

I decided to catch a couple of ships on Saturday.  They were both classic lakers, so that made the decision easy.  It helped that it wasn't too windy.

The Honorable James L. Oberstar was making her way down from Marquette.  Apparently it was a rough week on Superior last week as there were about 10 ships camped out around Marquette.
The Oberstar was heading down to Dearborn and she would have been carrying taconite.
I don't think she had much trouble getting down here.
Lake Huron wasn't quite as bad.
It was sunny while I was taking this pictures.  Sadly, it didn't stay that way for long.
It was a little on the cold side which helped for catching steam from her scrubber.
I like these scrubbers because it makes the ships look like steamships again.
Plus that fact that Interlake seems to take care of their ships.
Makes for some nice looking ships.
She looks almost freshly painted.
But I know she wasn't because she was laid up in Ecorse this year.
Since it wasn't windy, I was able to take my drone up.
I wasn't able to get many shots with it because I was in a different spot and I didn't want to risk losing it.
One more shot.

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