Monday, April 18, 2022

Next Up...the Captain Henry Jackman

 So the next ship was not too far behind the Leitch.

This is another of my favorites but mainly because of her name.
She is the Captain Henry Jackman, which I sometimes call the Hugh Jackman.
I suppose I could call her the Wolverine though.
She is passing St. Clair here.
As I said, there really isn't a bad spot on the St. Clair River.
You can get some really good views.
You are fairly close to the ships as well.
Almost the beam shot.
And she passes on.
I headed to Marysville next.  One of the other things I like about the St. Clair is that if I miss a ship at one place, I might be able to catch it at the next spot.
One of the things I like about the St. Clair is that I can get pictures without too much distraction from the background.
It was pretty windy though, so I didn't take my drone with me.
The bow shot.
She makes the turn for the next part of the river.
She passes me.
I like the steam in the scene.

She passes by.
Almost a full shot.
And I headed to Port Huron next.
I like Port Huron the best.
You get different angles and the ships are close enough that you don't get other effects.
And the bow shot is the best here.
She makes the turn to leave the channel.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
And she continues past the bridge.
One more full shot.
A shot of her bow.
And her pilothouse.
Another of her pilothouse.
And she continues on.  She was heading to Thunder Bay.  I assume she is going to pick up grain.

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