Saturday, May 7, 2022

A Stop on Embury Road

 So on the way home, I decided to stop on Embury Road.  When I went last week, it seemed like there were a few wildflowers popping out.  I figured there might be more.

And sure enough, there were.
I think this is called rue anemone but I'm not sure since I was using a phone app for the identification.
Anyway, it was a pretty nice looking flower.
I know that these are marsh marigolds.  Unfortunately, I was losing my light so they might not be the clearest.
I kind of like how these turned out.  Unfortunately, the spot wasn't the most cooperative for taking pictures.
A single flower.
Another group of them.
I think this is Solomon's seal.  

I think I'm going to have to check again later this week.  There might be more flowers.  I'm hoping to see trillium but my trillium spots looked like they were taken over by other plants.  We'll see, I guess.

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