Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day at Ottawa Wildlife Refuge

 So I decided to take my mom to the Ottawa Wildlife Preserve today.  It was a pretty nice day but I wasn't counting on the number of people there.  But I still got to see quite a bit.

First up was an eagle sitting in a tree.  I could tell there was something there when I saw the group of people in the area.
He was looking around.  Such a regal looking creature.
I kind of like this look.
A red winged blackbird on the ground.
I think this might be a false map turtle.  It seems too big to be a painted turtle.  At any rate, he's been around a while.
A painted turtle.
I think this is a blue and white swallow.
At any rate, it is a pretty cool looking bird.
I like this angle.
A yellow finch.  I will have to admit, the smaller birds are more difficult to get pictures of because the like to fly between the branches.
A pair of blue and white swallows.
A cormorant just swimming around.
An egret.
Another egret.
As I was leaving the park, I saw this hawk flying around.
I'm not sure what kind of hawk it was.
But it looked pretty cool.

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