Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Also the Lovely Kaye Barker

 On Sunday, I saw that the Kaye E. Barker was heading to Grand Haven.  I decided that I wanted to head there. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't get up early enough so I got a bit of a late start.
Fortunately, I could catch her as she was heading into the dock.
But I don't like these pictures as much.
So I switched to my drone.
She was going slow enough that I could experiment with different angles.
I decided to get a little lower than normal.
I kind of like this shot and I think I will have to try even lower next time.
I backed a little away.
Since she was going slow, I could get some other shots.  I wouldn't  normally try this one.
Moved to the other side, unfortunately, I was shooting into the sun.
I kind of like this shot.
Another quarter shot.
And I started to bring my drone back home.  But I like this shot.

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