Sunday, June 26, 2022

The John G. Munson Heads to Marine City

I didn't think yesterday was going to be a good boat day but then I looked at Marine Traffic and I saw that the John G. Munson was coming down.  I decided to catch her before heading to other pastures.

The Munson was heading down from one of the ports by Rogers City.  I saw that she was starting on Friday night.
I plotted out how long it would take her and I figured that she would be passing Port Huron around 10 A.M. or so.  I didn't really feel like getting up early enough to catch her there.
I figured I could catch her in St Clair a little later and that's what I ended up doing.
Except that there was a slight snag to my plan.  There was an art fair going on but I was able to find a parking spot that was fairly close to my normal watching spot.
I was able to get a drone shot.  I love the blue water of the St. Clair River.
A beam shot.  The sun was just about right.
I headed to the pavillion in Marine City.  I was hoping to catch her as she passed but she ended up turning around.  Unfortunately, I was getting some heat haze.
I didn't think she was going to continue because it seemed a little windy but as I was leaving, I noticed she was backing down the river.
I stopped at the little park that is along M-29.  It is a nice little park but I was reaching the limits of my drone to catch these shots.
One more before moving on.
I headed to another park in Marine City next.  I figured that would give me the best chance to watch.
I think she backs into the dock because there isn't really a good place to turn around near it.
I think the placement of her crane dictates how she goes into the dock.
But it was cool watching her go down the river.
Even though I had to work in reverse to what I usually do.
As I was getting my favorite angles, I unfortunately was getting some heat haze.
She makes the turn for the dock.
The beam shot.
And she angles more for the dock.
One more before leaving.

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