Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Catching the Cuyahoga on the St Clair River

 This ship was first up.  It was a list short on ships but long on coolness.

I saw that the Cuyahoga was heading up from Windsor but I didn't catch where she was heading to.
It looks like she was loaded because she was riding pretty low in the water.
Anyway, it was pretty cool to catch her.
I look at her paint job and I wonder if she's not long for this world.
If I remember correctly, this is the last year of her certification.
Also if I remember correctly, that doesn't bode well for Lower Lakes boats.
But then again, she seems okay otherwise.  They seem to keep her pretty busy.
So then I took to the air.
Unfortunately, I had my exposure set to overexpose the pictures.
Fortunately, it was fixable.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
After she passed.
Because I wanted to get as many pictures as possible.
I headed up to St. Clair next.  Sadly, the boat got in the way of my first bow shot.
But I still had some cool shots.
The subject of my next post was right behind her.
It was a nice day.
But hot.
She passes.
And then I switched to my drone.
I'm not sure about these pictures though.
The beam shot.
As she passes by.
The stern shot.
Next I headed to Marysvill.
I missed out on the bow shot though.
She starts to pass by.
I'd have to say this is my favorite angle.
The water looked pretty cool.
And she continues on.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
And she passes one more time.
And then I headed up to Port Huron to catch her one more time.
I'd have to say Port Huron makes for the best shots.
The ships have to make quite a few turns to make it to Lake Huron.
And of course the bow shot.
She makes the turn for leaving the channel.
But she didn't turn like the ships usually do.
So I wasn't getting my normal angles.
A couple more with my regular camera.
One more with my regular camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
It wasn't quite as bright here.
I like this shot.
And she heads into Lake Huron.
And one more shot.

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