Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Ever Lovely Wilfred Sykes

 This was another ship that I had to catch.

It is rare when the Sykes comes over to this side of the state.  She's been over here quite a bit more than in the past but it is still fairly rare.
She was heading down to Toledo.  I presume to deliver iron to the smelter down there.
I don't think she's been to Toledo in recent memory but I might be wrong.
At any rate, it was nice to see her on this side of the state because she is such a nice looking ship.
She was heading up to Port Dolemite.
Where I assume she was picking up stone.
I think she headed to Burns Harbor after that.
I switched to my drone next.
I still had to correct the pictures after, but they didn't seem so bad with the Sykes.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
And the stern shot as she moves on.
Since I was already there, I caught her in St. Clair next.
St. Clair gives some good shots.
The background is usually clear.
Occasionally, I will get pleasure boats in my shots.   Unfortunately, the wind was picking up, so I wasn't able to use my drone.
Next I headed to Marysville.  I love the shots here.
I can normally get a bow shot but the ship is a little far out.
But I do get pretty good quarter shots.
I think these are my favorite angles, they give the most detail while giving a hint of the size of the ship.
The blue was pretty cool too.
I would have to say that the Sykes is one of the better looking ships on the Lakes.
The paint scheme is pretty cool.
And it looks like they take care of their boats.
the beam shot.
She passes by.
One more shot here.
And next up is Port Huron.
Which is by far my favorite place for ship pictures.
You can't beat the angles here.
It probably has the widest variety.
Especially if you know the right spot.
The bow shot approaching.
The bow shot.
She makes the turn for Lake Huron.
I love the shots here.
The are mostly clear in the backgroun.
The sky looked pretty cool.
Switched to my drone.
But it was pretty windy here.
Darn near missed my shots.
And then she goes on.

One more.

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