Wednesday, July 13, 2022

And Then There Was the American Spirit

 The ships were all within a half hour of each other.  That was good because it was kind of warm and sunny.  I didn't really want to stay out too long.

The last ship was the American Spirit.
I think she was coming down from Duluth or Two Harbors.
Which means she was carrying iron in the form of taconite pellets.
Taconite pellets is iron ore that has been refined to about 100% purity.  Pretty much all of the iron carried on the lakes is this as we've mined all the pure iron.
She was heading down to Cleveland which means that she was stopping at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal.
From there, smaller ships will take it to the steel mill on the Cuyahoga River.
She makes a turn for the channel.
She was one of the first ships to add the emissions controls on the smoke stacks.
It makes her look like a steam ship.
The bow shot.  Unfortunately, a pleasure boat was cutting in front.
She makes the turn for the river.
I think this is one of my favorite angles.
And then I switched over to my drone.
I knew that I wouldn't be able to get a low angle for this one.
But I like this shot.
She continues down the river.
I love the wake these ships make.
And one more shot.

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