Wednesday, July 13, 2022

And a Bonus

 As I was catching the last ship, I looked at the time.  There was an air show going on at Selfridge.  I realized that I might have time to catch the last part of it.

The last part of the air show was an F-22 demonstration.  Unfortunately, I missed much of it but there was still one pass.
I pulled over to a spot where I could see it.  It was a pretty good view as the F-22 was going through its paces.
It passed by.
Did another turn.
And headed our way.
There was just enough moisture in the air to get some trails from the wing tips.
It was pretty cool.
It passes pretty closely and the light was just about right.
I kind of like this shot.
And I got a beam shot out of this.

So for only getting one pass, I think I got some pretty decent shots.

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