Thursday, July 14, 2022

Blue Angels Practice Day

 The Willow Run Airshow is this weekend.  It is supposed to be another drive in air show.  The Blue Angels are the featured act.  I heard them practicing this morning but I didn't have my camera.  When I heard them this afternoon, I decided to get my camera out because I figured it would be pretty close to the real show.

I was at my apartment today since I was working but I was able to get some shots as they did their higher stuff.
I would have liked this one better but I think they were too far out.
Reforming the diamond.
The delta formation.
This was probably my best picture today.
But this one is a close second.

I took tomorrow off so I can actually go to the airport to get better pictures.  I have tickets for the air show itself, so I'll have even better pictures from that.

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