Saturday, August 27, 2022

A Less Frequent Visitor

 The Mesabi Miner is another rare visitor to this area.  She is usually going from Superior or Two Harbors to Burns/Indiana Harbor.

That doesn't mean she doesn't come this way though.
Usually when she does come this way, its to deliver taconite to Cleveland.
She is used to deliver taconite to the Bulk Terminal that is at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River.
She can't go down the river but other ships can.
It's still fairly efficient that way.
But she's kind of a nice looking boat.
Especially with the scrubbers.
She is heading up to Superior on this trip.
I presume that is to pick up taconite.
But it could also be to pick up coal.
If that's the case, she could be heading back down this way.
Anyway, it was nice t osee her.
She continues up the river.
A beam shot against the nice blue water.
Unfortunately, my battery was running low, so I had to bring my drone back.  Oh well, not a bad shot.

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