Monday, September 5, 2022

Catching Herbie the Love Boat

 On Saturday I noticed that there were a few ships passing.  I decided to head out to get some pictures of them.

First up was the Herbert C. Jackson.
She was heading up from Toledo and it appears that she was loaded.
I think she might have been loaded with iron from the smelter in Toledo but I'm not sure.
She was heading to Burns Harbor which might mean that she was carrying iron.
I kind of prefer catching ships that are loaded versus ships that are not.
I think they look cooler when they are loaded.  They look funny when they are higher in the water (more on that later).
She makes the turn to leave the channel.
I love catching ships here.
I get so many angles.
One of my favorites.
One more shot with my camera.
And then I switched to my drone.  The Jackson framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
She pulls out.
I kind of like this shot.
A longer view of her.
Getting near the beam shot.
The water looks pretty cool too.
The beam shot.
She continues out to Lake Huron.
And I took a shot with my camera.

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