Monday, August 1, 2022

And Then There Was the American Mariner

 It was too long for the next ship.

The next ship was the American Mariner.
I think she was heading down from one of the stone ports.
That could be Calcite, which is by Rogers City.
Port Inland which is about 60 miles west of St. Ignace.
Or Port Dolemite, which near Detour Village.
She was heading to Buffalo, New York.
For some reason, I couldn't use my drone here.  The app that I downloaded from the FAA said that it was no problem.  The App that controls the drone said, "No bueno".
Since the app that controls the drone allows it to take off, I couldn't use the drone here.
So I was just using my little lens for these shots.
She continues down the river.
One more shot.

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