Monday, August 1, 2022

Welcome Back to the Lakes......

So the next ship was the one that I decided to catch.

I wasn't sure what time she was going to pass which is why I was thinking that I would catch the Cuyahoga.
She ended up stopping for fuel which gave me about two more hours to decide.  Here she is about to pass the American Mariner.
When I have these pictures, I call them freighter jousting.
Because that's kind of what it looks like.
Close to the bow shot.
The bow shot.
Anyway, the Philip Clarke was laid up in 2020 when the economy took a severe downturn.
She didn't go out at all last season.
This season, the Presque Isle had an issue and the Clarke had to be pressed into service.
I had heard she was going to come into service sooner but sometimes that isn't a decision that is taken likely.
AT any rate, it gives me a sliver of hope that I may see the Blough again.
The Philip R. Clarke is one of the sisters of the Arthur Anderson.
The other sister is the Callaway and I heard that she may be done.
the beam shot.
She continues on her way.
One more at Marysville.
Next I headed up to Port Huron to catch her again.
I like catching ships in Port Huron because there are so many different angles.
She makes a turn for the channel.
One of the views I like.
She gets closer.... the bow shot.
She makes the turn to leave the river.
I like this angle too.
One more shot with my normal camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
I was able to use my drone here.
Trying a low angle.
A little higher as I pull back.
I kind of like this shot.
She is heading up to Two Harbors and she should have gotten there by now.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
She continues out to Lake Huron.
And you can see why they call this the Blue Water Area.
One more shot with my regular camera.

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