Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Catching a Rare Visitor

This is the ship that got me out boatwatching on Sunday.  It's a ship that doesn't come to this end fo the state much.  Usually I have to go catch her on the other side of the state.

The Wilfred Sykes ended up going to Dearborn on Saturday.  I'm not sure what she was delivering there.  I think it was coke for the steel mill.
I was pretty sure that she was going to pick up something.  Usually when she picks up something at a steel mill, it is a long load, so I figured I would have a chance to catch her on Sunday.
I wasn't sure if she would be stopping for fuel.  That would have been the main variable in this whole exercise.
Even if she did, that would have added two hours to my day.  But she didn't, so I caught her about when I expected to.
She is definitely one of my favorite boats and because of her paint job, she is one of the more beautiful active boats on the lakes.
She has a pretty nice profile too.
The skies were getting a little interesting for me.
She continues up the river.
One more before moving on.
I was hoping to catch her in St. Clair too but I didn't think I would have enough time to do that and catch the other ship I was hoping to catch.
Since the other ship was heading downbound, I decided to catch the Sykes from a different spot.
The angles here aren't as pronounce as if I caught her from the other spot but still not bad.  I was sad that I didn't get a head shot though.
She continues past Port Huron.
I love this ship.
One more before switching to my drone.
And then I switched to my drone.  Unfortunately, I had the exposure compensation set too high.
It wasn't too bad.
But some of the details were washed out.
I like this picture though.
Almost beam shot.
She soldiers on.
She makes the turn for the channel.
I kind of like this shot.
I love her wake.
And she heads out to Lake Huron.
A parting shot with my normal camera before the next ship.

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