Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Lakes' Newest Resident

 One of the boats I ended up catching was one that I hoped that would be able to catch fairly soon.

She was launched about a month ago.
She was built by Bay Shipbuilding in Sturgeon Bay.  I believe she is the first ship to be built on the Great Lakes in almost 40 years.  She is the first new ship build for Interlake since 1981.
It took close to two years to build her.
She has the boom on the front so that she can get into certain ports.
She's a little bit smaller for that purpose as well.
She has a flat bottom so that she can carry more cargo.
She will be officially christened in Cleveland a little later this year.
Her first trip was to Muskegon.
From Muskegon, she went up to Brevort.
I believe she picked up Salt there.
In this trip she is heading to Buffalo.  This is her first trip under the Blue Water Bridge.
I think she still has that new boat smell.
I'll have to say that she looks pretty cool.
I'm sure I will be seeing her for many years to come.
But it was nice to see her this early.
And this is where the exposure compensation on my drone messed me up.
The clouds would have looked much cooler but they were washed out.
The ship is okay though.
She has cargo hatches that are more like the hatches on salties.
I think her holds are specially designed to carry salt.
An older boat passes by her.
I kind of like this shot.
She is named after the current President of Interlake.
She continues down the river.
One more shot with my normal camera.

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