Monday, September 19, 2022

And Then There Was the Cuyahoga

 This was the other ship that I wanted to catch.

Based on a feeling that I have, I don't think the Cuyahoga is long for this world.
Lower Lakes has been using her for salt which is generally happens when a ship is about at the end of her life span.
She's looking pretty sad on the side.
That seems to happen when a ship is about to be scrapped.
She's been pretty busy though.
I don't usually hear the sounds that I heard from ships that were at the end.
Her engine is fairly new, so that might be a good thing.
So who knows, maybe my fears are unfounded.
She was bought by her current owners in 1995, which I think means she's in the middle of her five year certificate.
So she might have a few years left.
At any rate, I'm going to catch her as much as I can because the classic laker is disappearing from the Lakes.
And these are nicest looking ships.
Even if they are all rusty.
She was heading not too far down the river.
The stone docks in Sarnia in fact.
And then I switched to my drone.
I am loving the low angle shots.  This one may be my favorite.
I like this one too.
I had to get higher to pull back.
About the beam shot that I like.
She continues down the river.
But not too far.

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