Sunday, September 25, 2022

The CSL Tadoussac Passes By

 So yesterday I wanted to do some boatwatching but I got kind of a slow start.  After getting slowed down on I-696, I wasn't sure if I could make it to Port Huron on time.

I didn't make it to Port Huron on time.  The CSL Tadoussac was already past the spots where I would catch pictures of her.
So I headed down to Marysville.  The only problem with Marysville is that I can't use my drone there.  I'm within range of one of the airports.
Oh well, it's a nice spot to use my regular camera.
A relatively clean background.
Except at points but it's not too obtursive.
The Tadoussac is a nice looking ship.  I'm just not sure how much longer she will be around.
So it's one I try to catch when I can.
It was kind of a gray day yesterday but it didn't rain until later.
She gives me the beam shot.
And she passes by.
One more shot.
This post is going to be out of order in order to maintain pictures of the same ship.
After catching the ship in the next post, I headed down to Algonac because I wanted to get drone shots of the CSL Tadoussac.
She was heading down to Nanticoke.
I think she would be carrying iron in that case but I'm not sure.
At any rate, she was riding pretty low.
I like it better when ships are loaded.
Jsut a couple more pictures with my regular camera.
This is a pretty good spot too.
One more.
And then I switched to my drone.
One of the reasons I wanted my drone is because her unique wake shows up much better.
She comes closer.
My favorite shot.
the beam shot.
She passes by.
A straight shot from the back.  I really like this shot because you can really see her wake.

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