Saturday, October 8, 2022

Next Up....the Lee A. Tregurtha

 I saw that the Lee A. Tregurtha was also heading up the river.  So I decided to wait in Marine City to catch her.

It has been a couple months since I last saw her.
I caught her on her first run of the season in June.
I haven't seen her since because she's been passing when I couldn't catch her.
A shame since she's one of my favorites.
Based on the dust on her side, it looks like she's been doing a few stone deliveries.
This time she's heading up to Marquette.
I assume that is to get iron.
And that means she should be back this way.
But that will be on Thursday, probably.
Which means that I probably wont be able to catch her on the return trip.
Oh well.
I'll enjoy her on this nice fall day.
The clouds were pretty cool.
She's about to pass the Anderson.
I like this shot.  Two classics passing.

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