Monday, October 10, 2022

A Brief Bit of Planespotting

 My dad came down yesterday.  We were going to take a cruise on the Westcott.  I had some time before I needed to be down there, so I decided to do a little planespotting.

First up was an A330 coming in from Amsterdam.
With the NW in the tail number, that means this is a plane that was owned by Northwest.
The almost beam shot.
This was an A320 owned by Spirit Airlines and it was coming in from New Orleans.
You deserve a break today.
This A321 was coming in from Phoenix.
This 757 is part of the reason why I decided to go planespotting for a little bit.
This particular one does not have the winglets and I think they look better without them.
It was coming in from Atlanta.
And was pretty nice to see.
The beam shot before moving on.

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