Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Catching the Bluebill

 On Sunday, my dad and I took a ride on the Westcott.  They were offering floating hayrides.  I will have to say it was pretty cool.  

As I was waiting for the Westcott ride, I saw this ship passing by.
It was the Bluebill and is operated by the Canada Forest Navigation Company.
A Bluebill is a type of duck.
All the ships run by this company are named after ducks.
This ship had Detroit listed as her destination.
But it turns out that she was heading to her anchorage point.
One more shot in motion.
As I went out on the Westcott, they took us to her later.
It was pretty cool because we were able to get fairly close.
You don't realize just how big these ships are until you are right next to them.
Looking up on her pilot house.
Another angle of her pilothouse.
Looking at her bow.
Unfortunately, I was shooting into the sun for this shot.
I think she was emptying her ballast tanks too.
I like this angle.
A bow shot.
Coming on the other side, where the light was better.
I think this may be my favorite of the series.
I like this shot.
Another angle.
And we moved on.

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