Thursday, October 13, 2022

Taking a Hayride on the Westcott

 So I ended up taking a ride on the Westcott on Sunday.  It was kind of nice because we went along the Detroit River and I will have to admit, Detroit looks pretty cool from the river.

The Westcott Company is in a non-descript building that is in the shadow of the Ambassador Bridge.  The city is in the process of renovating the parks around it and the roads are kind of a mess but it will be really nice when all is complete.
A look at the Ambassador Bridge from the deck of the Westcott.
The Westcott dock is right next to the Detroit fire dock.
The pennant on the front of the boat had a little pumpkin to top it off.
Next to the view of the Detroit skyline you can get from Windsor, this one is not bad.
Going under the Ambassador Bridge.
A look at the Ambassador Bridge from underneath.  It looks pretty impressive.
Emerging from the other side.
Looking up at one of the towers.
A shot of the Detroit River.  Detroit is on the left side and Windsor is on the right.
Looking back at the pilot house.  The two people in front of the pilothouse were other people along for the cruise.
A look at Windsor.
Looking back at the Ambassador Bridge.  They had the Westcott decorated for the spirit.
The Renaissance Center.
The Detroit Post Office.
A look at downtown Detroit.  The Penobscot building is on the left.  The orange building the middle is the Guardian Tower.  The building on the left is the 150 Jefferson Building.  Behind it, is the One Woodward Building.
Another view of the Renaissance Center.
Another view of downtown Detroit.
Another view of Windsor.
A better view of downtown Detroit.
The Detroit Princess.
I kind of like this angle.
A statue commemorating the Underground Railroad.
A much better view of downtown.  The building on the left is the 150  Jefferson Building.  Next to it is the Penobscot Building.  In the middle is the One Woodward Building.  Next to it is the former Comerica Tower.  And the last building is the City Building.
Looking up at the Renaissance Center.
The M.W. Westcott as she was heading to the Bluebill.
Another angle of her.
The Tri-Centennial Light.
A closer view of it.
This used to be a place where they built ships.
Another view of the Renaissance Center.
Another view of downtown.
I like this one a little better.
But I think I like this one the best.
Detroit may be lacking in taller buildings but it has character.
Heading away.
Looking down at the Ambassador Bridge.
Another shot of the pilot boat.
The Michigan Central Train Station.  They are doing a really good job of restoring this.  I can't wait to see it when it is finished.
The Nicholson Dock.
The American tower of the Gordie Howe Bridge.
The murals at the top of it.
The murals at the top of the Canadian side.
Another look at the American murals.
A nice overall shot of Detroit.
The Canadian tower.
Looking up at the American tower.
One more shot before heading back to the dock.

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