Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Monroe County Courthouse

 I've decided to start a new project for my blog.  This might take me a while to complete as there are quite a few counties in the state of Michigan.  In my travels, I have discovered that the County Courthouse is usually one of the nicer buildings in a town.  I am going to try to get a picture of each of them in the lower peninsula (at least).  I started it today.

I decided to start in Monroe County.  The Courthouse was built in 1880.
Monroe County was established in 1817 and is the second oldest county in the State of Michigan (after Wayne County).  It was named after President James Monroe (whose statue is pictured above).  He was the fifth President and served in that role from 1817 to 1825.  Prior to that, he was the Secretary of State and served in that role from 1811 to 1817.  He is famous for the Monroe Doctrine which was an attempt to keep European countries from meddling in the Americas.  He also signed the Missouri Compromise which banned slavery in the north.
Monroe is the County Seat and was settled in 1785.  It was originally known Frenchtown.  It was platted in 1817.
It was an important spot in the battle of the Raisin River.
It was the childhood residence of George Armstrong Custer.  It is also the home of La-Z-Boy furniture company.

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