Saturday, March 18, 2023

Eagles in Ottawa and Ducks in Magee

 As I was looking on Facebook today, I saw that the wildlife drive at the Ottawa National Wildlife Preserve was open.  So I ended up heading down there.  It was a little cold and windy but not too bad.   I also went over to the Magee Marsh, so these pictures are from both places.

As I was looking for another bird, I heard the sound of a Sandpiper, so I looked down and took a picture of it.
There was an eagle flying overhead.
The swans were looking for food.
But I think they were a little on the cold side.
A Canada Goose.
A mallard.  I just wish the sun were out a little more, I love the way their heads look in the sun.
A pair of mallard drakes and a hen.
I think this one is a gadwall.
I think this one is a greater scaup but I'm not sure.
Another angle of him and a better picture.
This one is a northern shoveler taking off.

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