Saturday, March 18, 2023

From the Feathered Aviary to the Aluminum Aviary

 After taking some pictures down in Ohio, I remembered that I might still have a chance to get pictures of the Air France flight into Detroit.  So I decided to stop at the airport.

I just missed the Frontier flight but I saw this one coming in.
This was a United Express flight coming in from Newark.
Next up was a Spirit flight as the sun was trying to peek through the clouds.
It didn't peek long enough though.
This particular A320 was from Fort Lauderdale.
It was followed by the plane I was looking for.
This is a 777 built by Boeing.
If I remember correctly, it was the first plane to be entirely designed in CAD.  I think they used Catia which is a French program.
Anyway, it was pretty neat to see and listen too.
It was coming in from Charles DeGaulle Airport in Paris.

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