Saturday, April 15, 2023

Catching Up With the Cuyahoga

 I had one more ship to catch but I wanted to catch her sooner, so I headed down to Marine City to catch her.

Actually, I stopped at a DNR boat launch that is just south of Marine City.  It was pushing 80 today and that made for a bit of heat haze.
I wasn't sure if I would get a spot because there were a ton of people parked there.  Today being on of the first really nice days meant that many people took their boats out.
The Cuyahoga is looking a little rough for wear and I wonder how much longer I'm going to be seeing her.  I was amazed at how much rust was on her sides.
She was heading to Parry Sound from Fairport.  She was carrying something.
But I'm not sure what.
the sun was nice though.
The almost beam shot.
A beam shot without any boats in it.
A couple of fishing boats.
One more shot before moving on.

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