Sunday, April 16, 2023

Or Kestral Maneuvers in the Dark

 I decided to head down to Ottawa today.  The website said that the wildlife drive would be open but the weather said that the weather would be nasty.  If I based my life on what they said the weather woudl be like, I would never get anything done.  Besides rain isn't so bad.

First up was an egret.  I was pretty much shooting from the car because the rain was coming down so hard.
I think I like this shot better.
These are cool looking birds.
"Hey, what are you looking at?"
Another shot as he was moving.
I always see lots of these guys but I rarely get pictures of them.  It is a puddle duck.
and it looks pretty cool.
And the source of the title.
It is a ketstrel.
But it's not very dark.
Still my bird of spring.
And he's a  pretty dapper looking bird.
I can just hear the song.
A female red winged blackbird.
Another angle.
A heron just standing there.
Another shot of a heron.
Another red winged black bird.
An eagle couple at Magee.
An egret hunkering down.
Just love the looks of these guys.
Another angle.
And another egret.
A trumpeter swan, I think.
Another eagle pair.

Just the dad.

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