Sunday, May 28, 2023

Catching the Nickel Plate 765

 Like I said in the last post, it has been almost two years since I've seen the Nickel Plate 765.

The last time I saw it was at the Nickel Plate Museum in Ohio.  When I saw it, it was running backwards and I didn't get a chance to go back.
I think they had to do work on her last year and she didn't go out.
It was nice to see her.
It took them a while to load it but it finally got going.
I was in a pretty good spot too.
There were a few people there.
I like the shirt of the guy to the right.
She comes closer.
I like this angle.
I wasn't shooting to much into the sun.
She's about to pass.
I'm not normally a fan of stern shots, but I like this one.
The trailing diesel that would pull it back.
One more shot before heading home.

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