Monday, May 29, 2023

General Ulysses S. Grant

 I was thinking of going somewhere today but I was feeling a little on the tired side.  So that pretty much meant I stayed home.  I really should do a photo a day and I decided to do just that.

I found a figure of Ulysses S. Grant on Amazon and I decided to order it.  It doesn't look too bad, I guess.

Grant was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio to Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant.  He was admitted to West Point and graduated in 1843.  He served with distinction in the Mexican-American War.  He resigned from the Army in 1854 and rejoined in 1861 at the breakout of hostilities.  He won several victories in the western theater of the Civil War.  This was topped by a brilliant victory at Vicksburg and by that, he managed to split the south in half with control of the Mississippi River.  This victory is often overshadowed by the victory at Gettysburg on the same day.
He was promoted to Lieutenant General after his victory at Chatanooga and then was transferred to the east where he led the final campaign against Lee.
After the war, he was elected to terms as President.  He died in 1885.

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