Monday, July 3, 2023

And Then There was the Tadoussac

 This is the ship that I wanted to catch.

I was watching the CSL Tadoussac as she was heading up the river.
She stopped for fuel which delayed my going to catch her.
I was kind of waffling because I didn't feel like driving up to Port Huron.  It is roughly an hour and a half from my place.
I prefer to catch more ships when I head up there but there are some ships that I can make exceptions for.
This is one of them, especially since I think she is not long for this world.
But you never know.  She is a nice looking ship at any rate.
Sadly, the classic Canadian lakers are getting rarer.
So I will try to catch her as much as I can.
I'm not sure where she was heading from.
But she is heading to Superior, Wisconsin.
I think she will end up picking up coal from there.
From this point, she has another two days worth of journey.
She passes under the Blue Water Bridges.
The light was just about perfect.
I'm glad I decided to overcome my apathy and head up there.
A shot of her pilothouse.
She continues on.
A shot of her deckhouse.
She starts to enter Lake Huron.
A nice looking stern.
I wish I would have taken my drone because she makes a cool wake.

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