Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Battle Creek Air Show - 2023

So yesterday I decided to head over to Battle Creek to get some pictures of the Air Show.  I was hoping to make it up to Traverse City but I couldn't get up early enough to make the trek up there.  It is probably just as well as the day I would have gone up there would have been Sunday and there might have been a chance of cancellation.  I would have hated to go up there and find out that happened.

As it was, this was my second attempt to go to Battle Creek this year.  I did go over there only to find out that it was rained out.  I was kind of bummed because part of the show on Sunday was going to be the heritage flights.
The first act was a person that was doing skywriting.
The act was called Ghost Writer Airshows.  He does skywriting.   Apparently, he also has lights on his plane so that he can do night shows.  I might have to stick around next year to see that.  His plane is a converted DeHavilland Chipmunk.
It was pretty cool watching him go through his paces.
He did a bunch of cool things in the sky.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the right lens for it.
The plane looked pretty cool too.
A smiley face.
Another shot of his planes.
This plane was taking up some parachutists.
I liked the shark mouth on the front.
Next up was a Red Bull plane.
This is a Zivko Edge 540 and is designed for this kind of flying.
A pair of chutists.
He really put the plane through its paces.
Diving after a shift.
Next up was a jet powered sailplane.
I think this is a Salto.
This plane was flown by Bill Stein.
It is also an Edge 540.
I love the paces they put a propeller plane through.
Falling after going upside down.
Another turn.
A similar turn.
Going through his smoke.
I love this shot.
Next up was a helicopter that could do flips and rolls.
It is an Airbus helicopter.  I think it is specially designed to do this.
Flying upside down.
Another parachute act.
Watching him go down.
The same Red Bull plane.
I'm not sure what kind of plane this is.
But it was cool.
Watching a pair of planes go through their act.  These guys did some sychronized flips and stuff.
They were about as precise as the Blue Angels.
One of the planes I was waiting for.
The plane belongs to VFA-106 which is known as the Gladiators.
It is known as a Fleet Replacement Squadron.
That means it is used for instruction of pilots about to go into the Fleet.
It was pretty cool to watch.
One of my favorite pictures.
I really like this shot.
One more.
The sky writer came out.
Another one that I was looking for.
This is the F-22 Raptor.
This particular plane belongs to the 1st Fighter Wing out of Langley, Virginia.
It was cool to watch it.
A pass by.
One more.
A view I would not if I were an enemy.

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