Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Harry Potter Boat Makes an Appearance

 I decided to head out boatwatching today.  For part of the day, the weather wasn't cooperating.  As I was traveling on I-94 to Port Huron, I was just about ready to give up as the water was covering the road.  I ended up getting off at M-3 to take that the rest of the way to Port Huron.  It was much nicer and probably safer.

First up was the Radcliffe R. Latimer.
I call this the Harry Potter boat because of the similarity of the name to Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played Harry Potter.
The Radcliffe R. Latimer was coming from Burns Harbor, but I wasn't sure what she was picking up.
She was heading to Port Cartier, Quebec which is almost on the Atlantic Ocean.
According to Marine Traffic, she has another four days in her journey.
I think that gives you an idea of how long the St. Lawrence Seaway is.
The beam shot.
She continues down the river.
One more shot.

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