Friday, August 11, 2023

Planes of a Different Sort

 I saw that I had a shot of catching a 777, so I decided to head over to Metro Airport later.  The rains had just passed and I think the planes may have been circling for a bit.

I was hoping to see this plane on my runway but it doesn't always work out that way.  At least it was too hot, so the picture wasn't too hazy.
This is a 757-200 coming in from Atlanta.
I always thought this was a re-positioning flight, but I guess it's a proper flight.
Another picture because I like the plane.
One more.
An A320 coming in from Dallas.
Next up was the plane I wanted to catch.
It was the Air France 777 coming in from Paris.
It's a pretty neat looking plane.
And I love this livery.
And one more.
A 737 coming in from Minneapolis.
As I was heading home, I decided to go by way of Willow Run.  As I was passing, I saw this guy taxiing.
So I headed to the other side of the airport hoping to catch it.
This is a proper DC-9 on its way to Saltillo, Mexico.  I believe someone said it is 55 years old.

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