Friday, August 11, 2023

Practice for Thunder Over Michigan

 This weekend is the Thunder Over Michigan Air Show.  It is the event that I have been waiting for.  Usually, they have a practice session on Friday.  You get to see most of the air show if you know where to go.

I didn't have as good as spot as I normally do because the planes pretty much stayed close to where the show would be performed.
But it was still cool seeing the F-22 Raptor.
There was a bit of a moisture in the air today whcih makes for cool pictures.
I'm pretty sure this picture was an accident but I like it.
I kind of like this shot.
Anotehr turning shot.
A bird watching the other birds.
Turning again.
I like this shot too.
Next up was a P-51.  This one was a little tougher as it stayed even closer to the flight line.
I was able to get some shots with cropping though.
Not a view I would like if I were in a Bf-109.
Another pass.
ONe more shot.
The B-25 taxiing for a trip.
Next up was the MiG-17.  I think I will get to see a MiG-23 tomorrow.
Coming in.
Coming in for a landing.
This was a CT-133 but it was painted to look like a US Air Force plane.
The T-33 was a trainer based on the P-80.
It was pretty cool to see.
Another pass.
The B-25 getting ready to take off.
Next up was the CF-118 which is the Canadian version of the F/A-18.
It wsa making a turn.
Passing by.
Taxiing after landing.
One more.
Last up was a KC-135 Stratotanker.
This is an aerial refueling aircraft based on the Boeing 707.
The boom down.
Passing by.
My last picture before it started to rain.

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