Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Catching Air Force One

 I found out that President Biden was coming to this area today to visit the striking workers.  I had a good idea of what time he would be arriving, so I checked the ADSB Exchange at around that time and found out that he was somewhere over Pennsylvania.  So I took an early lunch and headed over to the airport.

I also had a good idea of which way he would be coming, so I headed over to the industrial park that is just west of I-275.  I knew that the runways on the east side of the airport were closed, so I didn't have to worry that he would be using one of those.
As I was waiting for the main event, this Embrear 175 was coming in.
It was coming in from Pittsburgh.
As I was waiting, I decided to plug my scanner in and that was when I heard the magic words, "Air Force One cleared for landing on Runway 4R".   That was not the runway that was right next to me, but it was close enough.
Sadly, it was a cloudy day but the rain had stopped while the plane was coming in.
I kind of wish I had better light but this will do.  I was able to do some cleaning up in my photo program.
I will have to say this is a beautiful aircraft and I am glad that they aren't going to use one of the designs of the previous President.
I think this is a nice elegant look, especially since it was basically designed by Jackie Kennedy.
I'm not sure how much longer this design is going to be around as they are building replacements for these planes.
Considering these planes are 30 years old, it is probably time to retire them.
One more shot.

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