Saturday, September 30, 2023

Heading Up to Shiawassee

 As I was about ready to not do anything today, I looked up a Shiawassee group on Facebook today and I saw that today was the last day it would be open this season.  So I decided to head up there as it was a pretty nice day to do so.

First thing I saw was an egret.  But I usually see those around.
He's looking around.
I reached a spot where people were bunched up.  I was wondering why and then I saw this guy.
Apparently he is one of two fox kits they have at Shiawassee.  And I'll have to admit, he was pretty cute.
I was able to get a few pictures of him because I stayed far enough away and he was eating something.
He almost looks like he is laughing.
One more shot.
A heron.
A turtle and a turtle reflection.  I think it was a painted turtle but the lines seem too intricate.
Another heron.

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