Monday, December 18, 2023

And Then There Was the Paul R. Tregurtha

 I had one more ship to take pictures of.

The Paul R. Tregurtha was at the Mistersky fuel docks getting fuel.
I figured she would be leaving soon as the American Century was waiting for her to leave.
I waited around for her to leave but I was starting to get cold and it was starting to rain again, so I left the park.
As I was heading out of Detroit, I stopped at my other park and I saw that she was coming up the river.
I liked the pictures from here but I couldn't get a full picture of the bridge because they added a wall there.
She was coming up from Monroe.  I think she did a split load for Monroe and St. Clair.
She was head back up to Superior.
She will pick up more coal there.
I think she will be up there some time tomorrow.
I like the scrubbers on these.  On a cold day, it looks like a steamship.
The beam shot.
And she continues on.

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