Monday, December 18, 2023

The Arthur M. Anderson Passes on a Foggy Day

 I was kind of waffling again about going out yesterday.  It was raining and it was getting cold.  At first I was thinking that I would go catch the Pere Marquette but I wasn't ready at the time I needed to leave to catch her.  Then I was thinking about going to catch  the Sykes but it was raining pretty hard as was passing.

It was still raining when I left to catch the Anderson but I wasn't going to miss her.
I have a feeling this is her last run of the season.
She spent all of last week in Toledo getting some work done on her.  I'm not sure if they need to do more work on her but I heard that she was going for layup after this run.
She was coming down from Duluth.  I was watching her on Marine Traffic as she was coming down.
I actually wasn't sure if I was going to catch her but I  think there was a bit of a back up at the Locks.
Anyway, it stopped raining while I was taking these pictures.
But the fog was still hanging around.
But I don't mind, it adds moodiness to the pictures.
She makes the turn for the rest of the channel.
I like this picture.  Just the ship.
She passes Windsor.
Unfortunately, I didn't see the unblinking eye.
A clean shot.
She passes under the Ambassador Bridge.
I like that the top of the tower is obscured by the fog.
She continues on.
She is heading down to Cleveland.
She will just deliver to the terminal there.
She starts to slip into the fog.
I like this one.
And she looks like a ghost ship.

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